Latest tweets about Web 2.0

Publiceringsdatum: 2012-01-24 @ 14:29:42 Kategori: Social Software and Web 2.0 Kommentarer: (0)

#2it012 wiki means quick in Hawaiian and it's an way to share knowledge between people since all are able to change and add their own info

#2it012 vlog is short for video blog, and is like an blog updated regularly

#2it012 blog is short for Web log, is updated regularly, and is used to spred your own thoughts and ideas to the world

#2it012 hash tag it's a way to follow and see relevant post made by others, on twitter # is used and you can share your tweet

#2it012 XML is short for Extensible Markup Language and is used in for example html programming and enables users to create there own tags

#2it012 microblog is like a normal blog, but there is a change you have a limited amount of characters to use, Twitter is an example of this

#2it012 blook is a term that is a book that comes from blog content

#2it012 social media is a term that enables people to socially interact with one another, e.g sites like facebook and youtube

#2it012 Facebook wall is where you can send gifts and write something to a member of facebook, then he or she can respond to your wall

#2it012 Facebook is a social networking site that conects people, you can send gifts, photos, and links to your friend and family

#2it012 Web 2.0 is the term to describe the 2nd generation of www, and it enables people to share information online

#2it012 Twitter following means that you are following a member of twitter, you can see his or hers update directly on your twitter page

#2it012 dooce means that you loose your job because you have posted something publicly on your blog that isnt for everybody to read.

#2it012 Google+ is a new attempt at social networking, you can share pictures and many other features that facebook also have

#2it012 plug-in adds functionallity to a larger system, e.g old internet browsers cant handle audio and video, then a plug-in can be used

#2it012 blogsnob is slang term for people that doesnt respond to comment made in his/hers blog other then his/hers friends.

#2it012 flog means fake web log, its offen used to marketing products, and the user is offen paid to distribute this information

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